
Washington Sea Grant is hosting a one-day meeting on Monday, December 8th at St. Martins University to share the latest research and information on shellfish and the environment. Speakers will cover a range of topics, including aquaculture planning and permitting, shellfish ecosystems, and seagrasses. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a baseline of...
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The next meeting of the Deschutes Advisory Committee is at the Tumwater Fire Department, 311 Israel Rd. SW, Tumwater, on Thursday  November 20, 2014  from 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon *Note: The December 18 meeting is cancelled For more information visit:
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Washington State Office of Financial Management has provided a letter responding to the AHSS Executive Committee’s August 8 request for an update on the status of the McNeil Island long-term plan.  The letter is available here: Alliance for a Healthy South Sound re McNeil Island.  Background: On August 8, the Alliance Executive Committee forwarded a...
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The Department of Ecology’s Water Quality Program is pleased to announce the publication of our State Fiscal Year 2016 Funding Guidelines. Here’s a direct link to the Guidelines: If you have any questions, please see Page ix of the Guidelines for a list of contacts. Also, please consider attending one of our upcoming Applicant...
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The Puget Sound Marine and Nearshore Grant Program is pleased to announce a current grant opportunity to fund projects to improve landowner compliance with Puget Sound marine shoreline development regulations. Projects can include a variety of strategies to achieve this goal, such as gathering data on compliance rates, providing outreach and technical assistance, developing new...
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Recent News

NEW Updates to AHSS Webmaps! Both the Nearshore and Uplands maps have been updated with the most recent data for existing layers, plus additional layers for better web map function. See the following links for a detailed descriptions of the new mapping capabilities: